We lucked up with floor level seats and it turns out Rob actually bought 4 tickets and kept the best 2. What a sweetheart! Don't even let him lie to you...he loves Taylor! We couldn't decide who would get to rescue Taylor if she collapsed at the concert. Then I decided it should be me because the tickets were for my birthday. Then I remembered Rob's a lot smarter than me. Then we compromised.
Kellie Pickler opened for her self-proclaimed best friend and she was really good. She's from NC and got emotional during the song "I Wonder" about her mom leaving her, which is apparently a true story. So sad.
Taylor is a master entertainer and I felt more like I was at a movie than a concert. There were little "skits" (sorry, yes I was in a sorority and no, I couldn't think of a better word) for each song. Instead of being cheesy, I thought this was really cute and kind of funny sometimes.
Gigi and Granddaddy Kent kept Rowen while we were at the show and we had the pleasure of getting to spend some time with them the next night. We had to cut our trip a little short because Rowen was more irritable than ever before and we felt like he just needed to be at his house. Thanks to our friend and neighbor Aimee's insight, we've realized his irritability is from his new canines! He's growing 4 new teeth all at the same time and it's made for a pretty miserable time for him. Poor little guy! It will take another couple of weeks for the teeth to come on in, so say your prayers for Rowen. We mistakenly thought he was developing a new personality and the terrible two's were starting early, but we decided surely that would never happen to us.
He's still growing way too fast and is SO MUCH FUN to be around. With the exception of the aforementioned canines, we just have a ball hanging out with him. He's "talking" all the time, sometimes even holding entire complex conversations without ever opening his mouth. He says Dada all the time and has completely forgotten how to say Mama. He also points to his eyes, ears and head, turns the page on books, and plays peek-a-boo at the drop of a hat. To Lady's dismay, he loves to chew on dog bones. I know its gross. We're working on overcoming this. I know there are tons of other cute things he's doing but I always draw a blank when I finally have time to write about it. Just trust me, he's cute.
We're gearing up for a summer party at our house this weekend to commemorate the end of intern year. This is really huge for us. Although we'll assume much more (scary) responsibility as second year residents, we won't be at the complete bottom of the totem pole anymore and that's a great feeling. Next we'll be driving down to the sunny south for Alli's July 4th wedding (in which Rowen will be the ring bearer!), visit with Court and Andrew and spend the week with my family! It will be a great way to spend our last few days together. Rob is leaving July 12 to head back south for almost 7 months of flight surgery in Pensacola. I can't even imagine what that's gonna be like. We'll just take it one day at a time :)
I want to leave you with this awesome video of Taylor's last song, my fav, Should Have Said No. She completely rocks this. Jackson, this one's for you, buddy :)
Great story and pictures, Meryl! :) I am seeing TS in Birmingham on Sept. 11! I cannot wait. Good music is good music, no matter how old she is (or how old we are!)
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I love Taylor! I'm glad you guys had a great time. Your pictures are beautiful! You have a beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had realized earlier that you had a blog. Where have I been? I will definitely be following your adventures! :)