Rob is still in Texas and we are SO READY for him to come home Friday night! We are not phone people at all and have had some horribly awkward conversations since he's been gone. Apparently, we are challenged in this area only when talking with each other. We are both able to talk with friends and family on the phone in a perfectly appropriate manner. I guess we're used to phone relationships with people we don't see that often, but Rob and I are used to "doing life together" and we're struggling with the phone thing because deep down, we know that's not the way its supposed to be. Anyway, in his honor I've chosen some of my favorite pics to post; oldies but goodies.
One of the first nights we hung out together in Blacksburg. I was sporting thick bangs for whatever reason and was just certain Rob would ask me out this night. In fact, however, he waited another several weeks. Was it the bangs?
Soon after we started dating, I knew he was the man God planned for me. He's charming in every way. Let me count the ways...
He's such a hardworker...
Hilarious! I LOVE the photos. The mulletts rock :)