Monday, November 23, 2009

The Great American Kitchen Paint Job and other news

Many of you know I will paint anything without a pulse. Well, my kitchen cabinets were not spared from this compulsion. I have long felt our kitchen needed something. Namely, a full size dishwasher, but also a facelift in general. I love white kitchens, so I did my best to transform ours and I'm really happy with it! We're adding a full size dishwasher in the new year and calling it a day with this sweet little space!


Pardon the clutter...the project was underway at this point.

In the midst of transformation... check out that mini-me dishwasher!

And (drumroll, please), here she is!

Here's another re-do. I bought this plaque at TJ Maxx a while back
because the quote is really beautiful but I never loved the actual design.
So, I decided to cover it with burlap and paint our initials on it.

Another diamond in the rough... I bought this sled for TWO DOLLARS at a yard sale!
How wonderful will this be for Christmas?

On a different note, Rowen bonked his head (again) and check out this goose egg.
Poor little tough guy.

Rowen and I went to see Katie after she ran the Richmond Half Marathon.
We are so proud of her!

Clearly, at this point he's had enough of our tomfoolery.

Last night we had the blessing of helping Sweet Baby James celebrate
his 2nd birthday.
James, we think you're tops!

We are sooo excited about our family coming in this week for Thanksgiving!
arrives Wednesday night and we can't wait!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. The kitchen looks amazing bun! You did a fab job!!

  2. I love the Kitchen! What did you paint it with? I might have to steal that idea! ANd the sled is totally an awesome deal!! Good Job!
