18. Bobby. Even after feeling beaten up by the day, we've still got each other. As Rowen says, Babe and Babe Snow.
19. Harper's perpetual motion. The child basically never stops moving.
20. Kat's laugh.
21. Katie's M.'s honesty and familiarity.
22. Bernadette's wit.
23. Finishing great books (Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity and Stephanie Meyer's Twilight (yep!)) and moving onto another: Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist
24. photography
25. These 4 walls. Man, I love this old house.
26. Rowen's wavy dirty blonde locks. And his reasoning.
27. Remembering to practice Eucharisteo today.
28. How our old dog's still mighty frisky when she's ready for a walk.
29. An amazing chance, last Friday, to visit 5 amazing ladies all in one day: Joanna, who is healing; Lindsay, who is starting over; Katie, embarking on a new journey; Bernadette; on the last leg of an old journey; and Janel, over wine.
30. My job. There's few greater honors than being welcomed inside someone's life during birth, life and death.
31. Target on a lunch break. I came in just under $100 today--yahoo!
32. When the Cavaliers win. It makes my day because it makes Rob's day.
33. How close and candid I can be with my parents.
34. Going home for the holidays.
35. Knowing this (From Shauna Niequist's Bittersweet):
"Bittersweet is the idea that in all things there is both something broken and something beautiful, that there is a moment of lightness on even the darkest of nights, a shadow of hope in every heartbreak, and that rejoicing is no less rich even when it contains a splinter of sadness. It's the practice of believing that we really do need both the bitter and the sweet, and that a life of nothing but sweetness rots both your teeth and your soul. Bitter is what makes us strong, what forces us to push through, what helps us earn the lines on our faces and the calluses on our hands. This is what I've come to believe about change: it's good, in the way that childbirth is good, and heartbreak is good, and failure is good. By that I mean that it's incredibly painful, exponentially more so if you fight it, and also that it has the potential to open you up, to open life up, to deliver you right into the palm of God's hand, which is where you wanted to be all long, except that you were too busy pushing and pulling your life into exactly what you thought it should be. This is the work I'm doing now, and the work I invite you into: when life is sweet, say thank you, and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you, and grow."
Monday, November 21, 2011
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