Sunday, March 24, 2013

Eucharisteo-Shout Out Edition

Our 6 month deployment is drawing to a close--Praise Jesus!--and I have some folks to thank for carrying me through possibly one of the most challenging times of my life.

231. Jesus. He rocks.

232. Rob Snow for always understanding when I lose my personality (or have a terrible one!). Sometimes, when your relationship exists via phone and skype, you just misplace it! Plus, as Boog pointed out to me, "You're not strong on the phone." The truth hurts.

233. The (little) man of the house and the most joyful little girl in the world.There were times we were so frustrated with each other that we literally stared at each other and cried. But we've grown so much together and I wouldn't know what to do without these snuggle bugs.

234. A lovely family, on both sides.

235. Steph, Boog, Hayley, Dori, Katie and Annie. Your visits were sunshine on a cloudy day. And Steph, for talking to me every morning!

236. Miss Jessica. Best.Nanny.Ever. What a blessing to work with someone who NEVER complains and loves on your children every day!

237. Erica, Kim, and Kirsten. And their children. These 3 ladies have been such a gift to me. Sure, they basically had to hang out with me since I infiltrated their group ;) But boy, have they been gracious! I love the honesty with us. Thank y'all a million times over.

238. Kat, Katie, and Janel. Texting bible verses and prayers has never been so sweet :)

239. My office staff.  I couldn't ask for a better team to work with. And Cathy, the hardest working nurse who takes nonsense from NO ONE.

240. Neighbor of the Year Jen. Always there when I need her. Or want to eat out. Or need treats from Trader Joes. You are the best!

241.  Friends who've kept us in their prayers, whether we knew it or not.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite quote: "you're not strong on the phone." And I can just imagine it ending with the word "babe". I laughed about that one Rob Snow! And welcome home btw! I've missed you for M and Fam!
