We took a trip to Reynolda Gardens a few weeks ago.
What a beautiful place!
This was MB's first outing with shoes on.
She thinks she rules the world now! |
I was pretty certain they were about to fall in... |
Sweet girl |
She can say "bay-bee" now and drags one around everywhere! |
Rowen at Karate! |
These 2 are inseparable |
So sweet together :) |
Sisters are pretty sweet too! |
Riding bikes to the pool |
First time off the diving board! |
Harps preferred to sit by the pool with her oreos! |
Fun new playhouse |
School starts Monday--yikes! :)
Harps is looking like you M! AND I cannot believe Rowen is doing karate. I am going to have to show James. He was AFRAID to try it, and I had him all but signed up...Miss you like always. Your house is still standing :)