Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy birthday, Rowen!

My silly baby boy is 5! I overdid it for his birthday. And I'm not saying that in a "look what a great mom I am" type of way. I'm saying that in a "look what a dumb mom I am" way. Seriously. Rowen had a blast but

We kind of decorate the house for the whole birthday month with a banner for each year which is fun for mama because I get to look back but honestly Rowen could care less. I bought the world's smallest bounce house at a thrift shop which has been a pretty big hit. We planned a bowling party and a party at the house. Rowen and a few friends barely bowled at the bowling party but had a blast running around like a crazy people. Then lots of friends came over for a wild 2 hours the next day. THEN, we had a little party at school the next day. And now we're done. Rowen's 5!

We sure missed Rob. But we're halfway there! Whoo Hoo!
I really felt like Michael Jackson dangling my baby over a balcony. But he insisted. So, yeah, I was Michael Jackson.
Harps rather enjoyed herself.
As did many other children!
Fun Friends!
A few of my favorite gals
Blowing candles out for the 3rd and final time this year!
School friends!

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